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(defpackage #:texture
(:shadow #:load)
(:use #:cl)
(:export #:load #:bind))
(in-package :texture)
(defclass texture ()
((id :accessor texture-id :initarg :id)))
(defun load (png-image-path)
(let* ((texture (gl:gen-texture))
(image (png-read:read-png-file png-image-path))
(image-data (png-read:image-data image))
(image-dimensions (array-dimensions image-data))
(data (loop for w below (first image-dimensions)
nconc (loop for h below (second image-dimensions)
nconc (loop for c below (third image-dimensions)
collect (aref image-data w h c)))))
(format (case (png-read:colour-type image)
(:truecolor-alpha :rgba)
(:truecolor :rgb))))
(gl:bind-texture :texture-2d texture)
(gl:tex-parameter :texture-2d :texture-wrap-s :repeat)
(gl:tex-parameter :texture-2d :texture-wrap-t :repeat)
(gl:tex-parameter :texture-2d :texture-min-filter :linear)
(gl:tex-parameter :texture-2d :texture-mag-filter :linear)
(gl:tex-image-2d :texture-2d
(png-read:width image)
(png-read:height image)
(coerce data 'vector))
(gl:generate-mipmap :texture-2d)
(make-instance 'texture :id texture)))
(defmethod bind ((self texture))
(gl:bind-texture :texture-2d (texture-id self)))