----------------------------------- _DISCLAIMER:_ Welcome to **raylib game template**! This template provides a base structure to start developing a small raylib game in plain C. The repo is also pre-configured with a default `LICENSE` (zlib/libpng) and a `README.md` (this one) to be properly filled by users. Feel free to change the LICENSE as required. All the sections defined by `$(Data to Fill)` are expected to be edited and filled properly. It's recommended to delete this disclaimer message after editing this `README.md` file. This template has been created to be used with raylib (www.raylib.com) and it's licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license. _Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Ramon Santamaria ([@raysan5](https://twitter.com/raysan5))_ ----------------------------------- ## $(Game Title) ![$(Game Title)](screenshots/screenshot000.png "$(Game Title)") ### Description $(Your Game Description) ### Features - $(Game Feature 01) - $(Game Feature 02) - $(Game Feature 03) ### Controls Keyboard: - $(Game Control 01) - $(Game Control 02) - $(Game Control 03) ### Screenshots _TODO: Show your game to the world, animated GIFs recommended!._ ### Developers - $(Developer 01) - $(Role/Tasks Developed) - $(Developer 02) - $(Role/Tasks Developed) - $(Developer 03) - $(Role/Tasks Developed) ### Links - YouTube Gameplay: $(YouTube Link) - itch.io Release: $(itch.io Game Page) - Steam Release: $(Steam Game Page) ### License This game sources are licensed under an unmodified zlib/libpng license, which is an OSI-certified, BSD-like license that allows static linking with closed source software. Check [LICENSE](LICENSE) for further details. $(Additional Licenses) *Copyright (c) $(Year) $(User Name) ($(User Twitter/GitHub Name))*